Changes at the home are mostly to add new styles and harmonize with the phases that are being experienced or to give better energy into the days. Some people design their spaces to have feelings of peace and rest, where they can read, do their sessions of meditation or yoga; others prefer their homes with joyful energies, through vivid colors and good lighting that spark happiness, to fill them with motivation in their daily activities because the house influences greatly a person’s life.
Houses are a safe space for most of all, for these and other reasons some people may be hesitant to automate their spaces, thinking that they will lose that design or balance that they have in their home and all the effort they put into to achieve that. This fear is not wrongly unfounded because some of the best-known automation methods are those that represent an intrusion into the home, what they offer are giant structures connected the whole house through cables, this being invasive and more expensive for the property owner. But from the design team of the U-WIGO, we understand how annoying it is, to hire a person to enter your home and damage the decoration so that they can install or configure the service you want, in some cases, you also have to spend extra money so that your decoration returns to the way it was or if not risk the change and try a new style hoping that you feel comfortable with it. This type of very common situation served as a premise and thanks to the advances in technology we choose protocols free of cables.
The idea of automation is to improve people´s lives without waiving the design of their spaces, being an additional component to their decorations and utility of their homes and with U-WIGO we achieve that, you can have the freedom to place it wherever you want without interrupting the design due that is small and fits perfectly in a table, wall or ceiling.
Recognizing the user’s needs, so we can continue fulfilling their expectations, we accomplish to incorporate the latest technology, a clean design, minimalistic and adaptable to your spaces in just one device that can provide a modern experience of automation, just how it was thought in the beginning and proper for the times we are living in.