The market for Home Automation is constantly growing, and many people, due to lack of knowledge, believe that when they buy a Voice Assistant, they will be able to control their home immediately, just by taking it out of the box. This is completely false; its very name indicates us what it is: “VOICE ASSISTANT”, this means that they are going to assist you in an operation or execution of the sending of a command, but they are NOT the intelligent brain that controls the house, and neither are they the devices that you should have or install to achieve automation in your home. For example, let’s imagine you buy an assistant, the one you prefer, and you say, “XXX turns on the light”, but you have a standard lifetime switch, without IOT technology, your assistant’s response will be: “I can’t find any device to execute this function”.
Or imagine you have a conventional TV, which does not include a voice assistant, or which is not Android, simply a Smart TV, with an infrared control or in some cases a Bluetooth control, and you tell your assistant: “XXX turn on the TV”, how do you expect him to do it? If it lacks these signals within his system.
The current confusion is basically because the major companies that manufacture these voice assistants use millions of dollars in advertising to tell the public that their assistants can do it all. What they do NOT tell users is that it is the automation designers and manufacturers who actually make it all happen. We basically have to pay to be able to program the skills of these assistants, to make our systems compatible with these voice assistants, and they take all the credit. So when you buy a voice assistant and pair it with your other IOT devices at home, remember that the ones who make the magic happen are the manufacturers of the other devices, and who programmed them to be compatible with their voice assistants and not the other way around.
Of course your assistant is very practical, it’s a technology that took years to develop, and with many talented people behind it making it possible for him to tell you how your day is, or to set an alarm, or to create your agenda, or to make purchases directly. These equipment’s are also part of the automation, and they are very useful in many cases, although I literally use them much more to listen to music, than for other functions; and my intention is not to take credit from them, on the contrary, our duty and I think it should also be that of the people who manufacture these equipment, that is to say the truth of what the equipment we develop do, and of course also to give credit to all the other companies that end up being the complement of the other systems.
So you know, before you own a voice assistant, think about what you want it for, they are NOT an automation system, they are just a part of the system. If what you want is to know more about automation and intelligent home automation, that is our field, and we can help you understand everything better. Welcome to the Supersonic Era.