Many of us, see home automation as something that is just for tech savvies or big boys that want something to play with, and I should confess that I can visualize where that phrase came from, as home automation started to grow, the consumer market was only for people who meet those profiles, but that’s something common in everything new no matter the “market sector”, only the ones who are constantly looking for new things and thriving to experiment as much as they can, “early adopters” as is usually referred as.
This means that home automation is no longer about “toys for big boys”, but instead, a new standard (called internet of things, or IoT for short) that is taking little by little a place in our lives, no matter your gender or age, is something that even if you are not interested on, will have to face, and following that line of thinking is better to exploit it for our own comfort.
So, as I told you on my previous blogs, now days is something different, you can find home automation everywhere, the technology has matured, and having this kind of devices is common, and even if you don’t want to specifically get a new home automation product, you will probably stumble into one when buying your next home appliance as standard devices start to fade out and be replaced with automated ones, What?!! Yes, you heard me, that beautiful shinny new washing machine you have been looking for, has home automation features embedded into it.
If you read all the way here, I have some suggestions for you:
1. Read about home automation so you know what you are dealing with, you can start by reading the other blogs on this site of course.
2. Search for information about products that you have, as I just said, you may already have an IoT (home automation) product without even noticing.
3. If you have an IoT product, search in the manufacturer web to see how to take full advantage of its capabilities.
Hope that this blog helps you with the times coming, see you on the next one.