A few days ago man achieved something unprecedented, we reached Mars and we have a functional probe sending images to Earth. But we also have telescopes, space bases, and more and more satellites orbiting. All of them are sending radio communications wirelessly, recently we have been told that Smartphone connections will already be 5G, i.e. wireless Radio Frequency signals that are completely secure. My question is then, why if NASA and the whole world is changing to wireless communications, there are still companies that offer wired automation or home automation?
It is more than super proven that wireless communications are secure and non-invasive, or imagine that we send a cable to Mars to communicate, because the cable is more secure?
On the other hand, we have the big communication companies, developing great products, Routers that offer us Wi-Fi 6, and you will ask yourself what is this? Well, nothing more and nothing less than more bandwidth, higher speed, more security protocols, and many more devices to connect, because all your devices at home, already come or will come with a Wi-Fi connection.

So, why go against the current, why hire a service that needs to wire my entire house, and that will also place a Rack, with all my devices, in a room that will also need air conditioning, and that in the end will connect to my home Router, but that I will connect with my smartphone or my Tablet to my entire system via Wi-Fi?
I do not want to say that the cable is bad, but it is more expensive, the installation, materials, etc., all this wired system costs much more, and what happens if I want to expand? Do I have to rewire? The signals are clear, but be careful, do not be mistaken in my appreciation, I am talking about Wi-Fi, because it is the connection that tends to be more universal, I am not talking about Z-waze or Zigbee, which are wireless systems, but they were created for you to invest more money in an exclusive frequency, I ………never understood this nonsense, or well if I understood it, the idea was to tie up the customer, but why instead of tying up a customer, don’t you make him loyal with good treatment, good prices, good customer service? For example, there is Amazon, people buy there because it is easy and safe to buy there. That’s what we decided to do when we created U-WIGO (UNIVERSAL WIFI GO), lower prices, and make your life easy and safe, you know the rest.