In a previous post, I talked about my beginnings and experience with home automation, I´ve also shared a little about the creation of scenes. (On the blog, you can find some other posts that also address this subject. Check the previous posts to learn more).
This is an update and in-depth into my scenes and what I have created around my routine and how it has been now that it has passed a few months into my “SMART HOME” transformation.
As a recap, I have a TV and A.C. From the U-WIGO ecosystem I have the SMART OUTLET and the standard version of the U-WIGO.

First of all, let's explain what is a scene?
A scene is a group of actions that you configure, on the zone you selected, to be scheduled and execute at a specific time and day(s) you choose.
How many scenes I have?
You can create as many scenes that you consider can work around your needs. For me, I’ve created them thinking about my working schedule, (don’t worry I follow safety protocols when I leave and when I come back home, as a side note, remember that the automation is recommended to keep you and your family safe as it’s intended as a touchless tool, therefore there´s no need to touch anything besides your phone).
Getting back to my scenes, I will share mine.

This obviously can be adjusted as my routine changes.
After a while, we’ve synch perfectly (U-WIGO and I), it has been a great addition especially because it keeps my sleep schedule on point as it turns off my T.V. when it’s time to sleep allowing me to add more ZZZs to my night time.

Another trick I use, is when the battery of my phone is very low during the night and its time to sleep (I am trying to protect the batteries of my devices as I’ve damaged so many of them) and it takes around an hour to get a full charge on my cellphone battery. Before the U-WIGO and the U-OUTLET, I used to place an alarm on my phone hoping it wakes me up during the middle of the night so I can unplug it. This is so annoying because I wouldn’t get a good night of sleep thinking about having to wake up later. Nowadays this doesn’t worry me anymore, I use the U-OUTLET and the U-WIGO I´ve set a specific scene for this situation and done. Nighty night!
The possibilities and the benefits surpass any expectations I had. I am completely convinced this is the most useful device I owned. In the next post I will like to talk about, energy consumption and how you can reduce it using the U-WIGO and the temperature and humidity functionality and how to use it.
For now, I hope to at least encourage you to check our full catalogue, U-NIV3RS3 ecosystems and spark curiosity about the U-WIGO.
HOME AUTOMATION is here to last for ages to come, so welcome to the supersonic era.
Just in case you are wondering, these links will take you to check all the specs of the U-OULET + USB
And lastly, I have my eye on the
U-SWITCH 811-2