Some of you reading this blog will already know where I’m heading just by reading the title, others will be wondering what I’m talking about, and it’s that since childhood I’ve always had a certain fascination for science fiction like many of you, that magical world where people can do incredible feats with superhuman abilities, in this order, who wouldn’t be excited about being able to do or have some of these abilities.
If we analyze these films, in a large part of them, there is some power that allows you to manipulate objects from a distance, such as the force of Star Wars, the magic of Harry Potter, Matilda’s telekinesis and much more. With that being said, what would you think if I told you that today, with today’s technology, you can do it too (to some degree).

Let me introduce you to the world of automation, a world almost as fantastic as the one we found in science fiction, with which you can operate your TV, your DVD, your air conditioning, your lights, your sockets and much more, from anywhere in the world, using something that is practically part of you, your smart phone.
There are many devices IoT (Internet of Things) that allow you to a certain point to control some of the elements in your house, but I’ll tell you a secret, there is one that is capable of controlling the ones you already have in your house, that old TV which no longer works his control, that mini Split that has a control to which you have to buy batteries every 3 months and so on, that unicorn I’m talking about is called U-WIGO but unlike unicorns, U-WIGO DOES EXIST! (as much as I would like unicorns to exist as a sci-fi lover).

You don’t believe me? Try it out for yourself, let U-WIGO bring all those science fiction skills into your life, forget about having to search for controls, forget about spending money buying batteries (you’re looking after the environment while you’re at it), forget about having to get out of bed because you forgot to turn something off, just pick up your cell phone, open the U-WIGO Connect app and…