Technology like science walks a path into the unknown, wanting to find something new, but these latest findings are expensive, when new features begin to be implemented and more usage cases become known.
Over time, this new technology becomes more profitable by finding better production methods and capacity in other markets, which helps lower the prices of devices and continues to work on the technology that will be cutting-edge, this working method forms a highway for creative minds and spaces for new devices that fulfill more functions, are more robust, secure and make our lives easier.
In many areas these advances are a little slower because there are no competitive markets to make this investment, there are no funds to support research and development, innovation remains static as we see that the world moves, while this area stays the same.
These are some reasons why some devices over the years become obsolete, do not receive security updates, remain in old protocols or there are no ways to support them.
In the case of homes tech, there are few advances that are made or are very focused, such as televisions, and this market has presented great innovations, related to entertainment with better screens, sound and interface nowadays know as Smart TVs, but at home gadgets there were no other spike in technology until recent days with the rise of IOT and that’s when U-WIGO was born.

In a market where cables and centrals ruled the home category and an advance in technology was not seen. U-WIGO came to change the rules of the game and give people true control and wherever they want to have it, either be in their phone, Tablet or through voice assistants.
The U-WIGO and U-NIV3RS3 complement each other to be in the whole house fulfilling routinary functions, while providing comfort, style and security.