As we have seen in previous blogs, IoT is one of those technologies that will continue to gain strength in the coming years, it is the future, and although we are already enjoying this technology, thanks to COVID 19, many processes that were expected to take place in the coming years have been brought forward, all of them very useful as telemedicine, an extremely vital option that will continue to be developed and implemented for the benefit of all. Here I bring you my Top 3 trends in IoT for 2021.
#1 Data analytics
Data collection and analysis is becoming increasingly important within any type of project. It is probably one of the most efficient ways to obtain information. And, although IoT has been previously related to Big Data or Cloud, this year the thing goes further.
The Internet has a great ability to partner with Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning. Through this, it is able to process a large amount of data and subsequently, make recommendations and offer intelligent solutions for your target customers’ data.
#2 Teleworking
Before Covid-19, around 8% of the Spanish working population was teleworking. With this new situation, this figure has risen to 20% and is constantly increasing. Some companies have established it on a temporary basis, but others are already considering keeping it permanently in view of the effectiveness of its application.
As recently published by the EU-driven FIWARE platform for the development of Future Internet applications, the role of IoT here is fundamental.
“The strength lies in the interconnectivity between objects that are now encouraged, but also between spaces or any role that can be connected via the Internet, as is happening with workers, for example. In addition to this, there are other benefits for the organization, such as the collection of data through business devices and the subsequent sending of data for computing”.
#3 Innovation in companies and new user experiences
Something we have been aware of for a long time is the importance of giving your users or customers personalized and unique attention. With the measures established in the country about restrictions in stores, bars, or leisure activities, digitalization has become more than necessary. The increase of purchases or orders via the Internet has increased and will continue to do so. Businesses are investing more and more in their online presence, and those that have not yet done so will do so in 2021.
But it’s not just about opening a website or activating your social media, it’s about connecting your physical business with the online world, providing the best possible user experience. In addition, multinational companies such as Amazon are increasingly embracing the market demand, as they are not only available anywhere and anytime, but also provide a great user experience. Innovation in user experience will be one of the main trends in 2021. If we want to continue competing in the market, it is necessary to adapt and, above all, innovate.
If you are interested in new technologies, have any questions, or want to know more about our services, do not hesitate to contact us.