Let’s be clear, for sure you are a person that works incredibly hard to have all comforts and privileges. For example, a house, an office, a company, etc. I can assure you that many of us spend more than 10 hours a day seeking economic stability. Probably the first we think about is buying ourselves a house
Ok, I ask you this, are our houses as comfortable as we would like?
Does your house speak to you? Does your house open the door for you? Does your house turn on the lights? Is your house monitoring your electricity bill? Your house lets you know if someone wants to break in? Does your house take care of you? And not only your house, but your space also takes care of you? NOT?
And then why do we pay millions and millions for a space that we simply use for what? To sleep? To cook? Exactly what do we buy a house for? Because you, who are reading this, might not work as a Realtor if so, you would know that a house with home automation or automation can be sold for 30 or 40% more than its regular price since you would deliver a Plus.
So you think that investing money in automating your space is a luxury or rather something that you deserve? If in the United States people invest an average of 69% of their annual earnings in their home, then why are there not millions of automated homes yet?
The answer is clear, the companies that exist in the market and which want to monopolize it, sell automation as a luxury when it is not, and in addition to this, they want to charge it as a luxury.
Do not be fooled, do not cheat, there are companies like ours with systems like U-WIGO, we realized this, and we have invested millions in development, thousands of hours in time to be able to offer you the true automation necessary for your comfort and convenience. at the reach of your pocket; skip cables, programming, engineers, etc., you DO NOT need them, you just need to have Wi-Fi in your space, and voila.
Nor do you need your equipment to be Smart, or with Wi-Fi, you just need to know what you want to control and that’s it.
How much do you think you should pay for automation? Why do we have a starter kit from $ 150 USD? Why then would you go out and pay $ 10,000 for automation when you can save time and money? Why believe that it is a luxury, when it is something you deserve!
Of course, you deserve it, we work tirelessly day after day, and we deserve that the air conditioning sets the temperature we like automatically, we deserve that the lights turn on and off by themselves at night and in the day, we deserve that the curtains go up on their own every morning so that the sun enters our space and closes at night for our privacy, we deserve that the coffee is ready when we get up, we deserve that the house cleans itself every day, we deserve that the TV shows us our favorite channels and be ready for us every day when we get home from work, we deserve to let the house know that we are on the way and prepare all the space for our comfort.
I know I deserve it and I have it today, and I spend very little, even if I am the CEO of LYA ELECTRONIC; It would not be fair to my team if I had this for free, so I invested $ 2000 USD to turn my entire house into Smart with our system, and now I don’t even worry about the electric bill, everything is controlled, literally my time is destined to enjoy, enjoy and enjoy. IF that is what we deserve, enjoy what we work hard for, and be happy in our spaces or environments, without worrying about trivialities. So what are you waiting for? You will continue to see how your neighbor shows you his smart home, while you bite your tongue and think you can’t have it, right?
U-WIGO is for you, we create it thinking about you, and only about you.