Internet of Things, or IoT as its initials, is a term widely and often use in the past couple of years in few industries and now is being used more and more due to the vast range of devices that fits into this category, moreover, it has been evolving and being utilized in other different industries such healthcare, transportation, agriculture and so on.
First, let´s use google almighty to resolve an important question What´s IoT? I rely on Wikipedia as a basic source, if not feel free to search on any other you prefer.
IoT, describes the network of physical objects— “things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet.
In the consumer market, IoT technology is most synonymous with products pertaining to the concept of the “smart home”, including devices and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, thermostats, home security systems and cameras, and other home appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers. IoT can also be used in healthcare systems.
I am not in any way consider or describe myself as a tech expert nor I will, this is not my field nor my purpose of writing these posts.
I have been working with IoT, for now, one year and this is my first time been surrounded by such technologies. This is the nature of my work, and as the curious human as I am who tries, to gather, study and comprehend the projects I am working on, and as my boss says how can people trust me, if I don’t believe nor I use or get involved with the products?
Therefore, with the same logic as I got into this business and into Home automation I would like to encourage you (non-tech-savvy) to get involve and learn by using. I had the opportunity to know U-WIGO and the U-NIV3RS3 without previous knowledge or have any concept of what it is or what can it do for me, and I must confess I was really skeptical and in disbelieve whether I could be the best fit for this product or accurate demographic target.
Slowly I began to use it, and as in my previous posts you might notice my background and that as many as you, I am a beginner in this subject, having just a few tweaks here and there, the standard version of the U-WIGO and U-OUTLET, I set it up also add my TV and the A.C.

To solve the question of this post, my answer is Yes. I consider IoT and smart home automation is for everyone that´s willing to improve their life. Was electricity for everyone? It´s possible it wasn’t for everyone but everyone has now understood the benefits of it. Was internet for everyone? I think you know what I will say (is like you know me, LoL)
Like much of new technologies that are arising, at the beginning might not be for everyone, nor be everyone´s cup of tea, but once is widely use and becomes a standard in home decor, renovations and constructions then it will be for all and no one will be capable of understanding how could people living without it.
As is my experience now, I cannot imagine my day to day without U-WIGO being part of my universe (point intended).
The tools and information are a click of distance, feel free to write to us about your concerns and we will be more than happy to explain how our ecosystem works and how you can benefit from it.
Find me on LinkedIn and let’s connect there
Or also CEO Luis Bernal on Linkedin
We will love to hear from you!
I wish you have a great one!