The technological devices we buy bring with them, apart from their purpose, a new way of living and many of these become indispensable.
As proof of what I am saying we have the legendary Walkman, which transformed our habits around music, they distributed the music to unthinkable places, before you did not think about running and listening to music at the same time, or in some trip take your favorite music and go listening to it at the volume you want and without being interrupted.
I am very young, I am not old enough to talk about a before and after, but if I have lived the evolution of these devices and I cannot imagine my life without taking music with me, without guidelines or commentators, without extra weight, all I need are my hearing aids to enter my world, my habits are changing with the evolution that this and other devices have had.
Carrying music is an intrinsic part of my life, as well as my new habit. Making playlists for everything, cleaning the house, playing sports, traveling on public transportation and other long trips, I always have a playlist according to the occasion and updating them is something I do periodically.
Another device that improved my life is the U-WIGO. Now, after getting to know the U-WIGO and the U-NIVERSE, I don’t even want to imagine the situation where I will have to use the controls again. Starting with the fact that I lost them, in fact, I haven’t seen them for weeks and if for some strange reason I find them the batteries must be dead, so I don’t bother looking for them.
Because my devices are configured with the U-WIGO CONNECT APP I use for all my phone or in its absence the integration with the voice assistants. My morning and evening habits have changed, I am free from nightly rounds around the house seeing that lights are left on and appliances are connected. I will no longer feel like Ben stiller, in a night at the museum although it is a pity that it does not happen to me the same as in the movie, it would be great if my appliances came to life to tell me stories although if I think about it my house does come to life, with the U-WIGO and the U-NIVERSE, but they don’t make the mess of the prehistoric tribes or the dinosaurs, in this case the assistants are not Owen Wilson in miniature or Robin Williams (like President Roosevelt on his horse) but the U-OUTLET together with the U-SWITCH. Everything you need is on the phone, not on any Egyptian board or wizardry this is pure technology.
U-WIGO and the U-NIV3RS3 ecosystem was developed with users in mind, to make their lives easier and to only worry about enjoying what they want.

My mornings are better because I wake up with my scene executed, the air temperature rises, I open the curtains and activate my music player with my playlist “TO AWAKE”, while in the kitchen the coffee maker makes me coffee, my house comes alive to serve me and I just take care of getting out of bed, putting on clothes and go out to conquer the world … or something like that.

Technology certainly has its advantages, and the U-WIGO does not lag behind home automation has many benefits. I invite you to review everything we have to offer. If you want to know more or how to get yours write to [email protected]